We can sort foods into three main groups based on how they help our body:
Go – Give us energy
Grow – Helps build our muscles
Glow – Protects us from illness and keeps our hair, skin, and nails healthy

Go Foods:
- Are grains or starchy foods like bread, rice, pasta, or oats
- Are high in carbohydrates
- Give our body energy to do things like run and play
Grow Foods:
- Are beans, nuts, meat, fish, eggs, and dairy
- Are high in protein
- Help us grow and stay strong
Glow Foods:
- Are fruits and vegetables
- Have lots of vitamins
- Help our skin, teeth, and hair look nice
- Help our brain think
- Help our body feel good and protect us from sickness
Try to build your meals and snacks to include 1 Go Food + 1 Grow Food + Unlimited Glow Foods
Toast (go food) + Eggs (grow food) + Spinach (glow food)
oatmeal (go food) + nuts (grow food) + berries (glow food)
stir fried tofu (grow food) + broccoli (glow food) + rice (go food)
Snack time!
toast (go food) + apples (glow food) + peanut butter (grow food)
crackers (go food) + hummus (grow food) + cucumber (glow food)
curry chicken (grow food) + rice (go food) + peas (glow food)
Give it a try! Can you think of a meal or snack that includes all three types of foods?